Sunday, September 13, 2009

Service Employees International Union

I just watched the Fox Report on SEIU or Service Employee International Union. This is the clear reason that Obama is trying to ram the Health care down our throats. What should jump out about this organization is the "INTERNATIONAL" that is why they are pushing so hard . " The One World Government" loss of our freedoms. America will cease to exist if this administration succeeds in this agenda. This is not about Republican and Democrat it is about Socialism and Freedom . The Unions have already depressed the Auto industry to the level we see now in this country. That is why The Japanese sold more cars then American cars in our own country. Cash For Clunkers. I will fight to save my Nation I am angry that we as a Nation have allowed the country to get to this level.

Unions had a humanitarian and worthy origin but after it was taken over by corruption and cronyism
They then like all good things turned into a parasite with the power to wield success or failure for business they become the new silent but not so silent partners.
The country is riddled with the fraud and corruption that was just reconfirmed by the witness in Chicagoland politics who was found silenced. BY “ASPERINE” That is a new one for the books . Have you all forgotten about all those accidents that occurred during the Clinton Administration of anyone who dared threaten the Clintons . What we should be screaming is not stop taxing or keep your hands off my Health care … But if you are shown to be crooked we will vote your ass out of office and you could not be a dog catcher after you get out of Prison…. It is time to take our country back

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