Friday, September 18, 2009

Request from Oliver Harris

Great Letter. This is about AARP's support for Obamacare, which is going to furnish insurance to people who don't want to pay for insurance and illegal aliens*, etc. - by subtracting 500,000,000,000 (that's right folks, half-a-trillion dollars) from Medicare payments to our doctors. Then we're going to have to start looking down alleys and into store fronts to find a doctor.**

By doing this little stunt, AARP has ceased to represent its elderly members, and has started shilling for the Obama Administration. As soon as I find a substitute for their Medicare Supplemental Insurance, I'm outta there.

* They say illegals won't be eligible, but Democrats and Obama people have stripped out any and all penalties for treating illegals, each and every time this has come up in committee's, etc., and it is clear that they're only biding their time on this one. That's why the Congressman said "you lie!" during the O'Man's speech.

**This is also going to throw 40 million new people onto an existing doctor and hospital system already maxed out. Moreover, 45% of MD's say they will consider going into early retirement if Obamacare hits. Absolute Chaos.

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