Saturday, September 19, 2009

we were warned 50 years ago

This cartoon is 50 years old but it hits the nail on the head. CLICK

Friday, September 18, 2009

I have the TAR who's got the feathers

An article in the Albany Times Union promotes a controversy brewing in local schools in upstate New York. A controversy in that schools are willing to close their doors during Christian and Jewish religious holidays - but not Muslim holidays.

Tucked away within the article is a supporting statement from Jay Worona, counsel for the New York State School Board Association (NYSSBA), in which he promotes a possible alternative to canceling classes. Worona states, "One request we have seen is for a room during Ramadan for students to pray in, and many districts are attempting to provide those."

What the reporter fails to note is that Worona, who apparently is in favor of separate prayer rooms for Muslim students, opposes the inclusion of a display containing the Ten Commandments in New York schools.

Interesting. A prayer room for Muslim students. What happened to the separation of religion and education, church and state? Or did that only apply to the assault on Christianity in our schools, the elimination of nativity scenes, the conversion of labels such as 'Christmas Break' to 'Winter Break', or the deletion of the phrase 'under God' from our Pledge of Allegiance?

Despite the Times Union's in-depth article looking at discrimination against the Muslim religion by New York school districts, they fail to look into the background of someone providing a key statement of support.

While Worona and the NYSSBA promote the inclusion of Muslim prayer rooms, they thankfully have not forgotten to fight the good fight when it comes to keeping religion out of schools. In fact, they actually made an interesting case for religious exclusion a few months ago.

In regards to a case involving the posting of the Ten Commandments in school districts in Lewiston, NY, Worona said the following: 'Even though there are secular aspects to the Ten Commandments... there are impressionable minds that may take such a display as a school's sponsorship of religion'.

And a Muslim prayer room wouldn't strike any impressionable minds as sponsorship of religion?

Today's media and schools - ever tolerant, except when it comes to conservative Christian values.

Request from Oliver Harris

Great Letter. This is about AARP's support for Obamacare, which is going to furnish insurance to people who don't want to pay for insurance and illegal aliens*, etc. - by subtracting 500,000,000,000 (that's right folks, half-a-trillion dollars) from Medicare payments to our doctors. Then we're going to have to start looking down alleys and into store fronts to find a doctor.**

By doing this little stunt, AARP has ceased to represent its elderly members, and has started shilling for the Obama Administration. As soon as I find a substitute for their Medicare Supplemental Insurance, I'm outta there.

* They say illegals won't be eligible, but Democrats and Obama people have stripped out any and all penalties for treating illegals, each and every time this has come up in committee's, etc., and it is clear that they're only biding their time on this one. That's why the Congressman said "you lie!" during the O'Man's speech.

**This is also going to throw 40 million new people onto an existing doctor and hospital system already maxed out. Moreover, 45% of MD's say they will consider going into early retirement if Obamacare hits. Absolute Chaos.

Hypocrisy and bad DNA

Hypocrisy and bad DNA

What is so mind boggling to most of us here in the middle of the country is how and why the coasters and liberals are so out of touch with both us and the reality of our cause. I say cause because I keep hearing that what is frustrating the main street media, is that they can not figure out who is organizing us. Who is in charge? Every one in the Republican party and their BIG BAD BUSINESS interests. Even the Christian Coalition and anti abortion groups are part of the orchestration. They just do not get it.
Like Glenn Beck has said it is in our DNA. What organizes us is Freedom. The existance of an administration that includes a Senate and Congress full of elitists who have not been listening, have lost touch with what we elected them to do.
We all have a moral compass and a filter that keeps us grounded in the principals our God and Country has set for us. I am afraid that the liberals and their movement in this country have lost this compass. The filter must be as big as the spaghetti colander in my kitchen, and only works if you are of like cultural liberal ilk.
We have all been treated to a very graphic display exposing the criminal activity of ACORN, 5 videos to date. ACORN has only pointed to a police report, filed by their Philadelphia office, of someone causing a verbal disturbance in their office. The response ticket has no additional information such as a report of a criminal attempt to start a prostitution operation or underage sex trafficking. Only a verbal disturbance was reported and the ticket did not even include a name of who created the verbal disturbance or of the actual events that occured. That ticket could have been for some guy coming in the office, high on crack and yelling at someone, and the cops were called. Pretty weak evidence I would say, and this is on the corp. web site for ACORN. Additionally, the box was checked indicating that there was not going to be a follow up report made.
That brings me to the flood of activist personalities making lame excuses for this fact. Jimmy Carter, who may go down as the worst president the country has ever elected although Barak Obama may be tied for that dubious title, stated that it is all Raceist (OOPS there goes the race card !). It is ok though, it came from an Old White guy.
The liberal party in this country has high-jacked the Democratic party just as the Big Business Corporate elitists have high-jacked the Republican party. You know, there was a time when a man's word was as good as you could ask for, and man had such self respect that to impugn his integrity could cost you your life. There was a time when all good men believed in God's Laws and tried to live by them. This modern culture of corruption would not have been allowed to take root. Today, a Politian will say what he or she thinks you want to hear, what ever it is that will get him/her elected. It is not in their DNA to be honest. They have moved so far from the original moral and personal ethics that helped make America the great Nation she is.
We watched this as excuses were made for all the sex scandals we have had to endure on the evening news. The excuses made for the behavior that 100 years ago would have driven an honorable man to claim his own life rather then endure the ridicule of his peers. Today, after only two years, a Democratic Presidential candidate of 2008 who is an admitted philanderer and cheat who fathered a child with his mistress and paid people off with campaign funds, is actually trying to get back into politics.
Then there is Whoopi Goldberg, who is only 8% European DNA/ 92% African, but claims Jewish heritage in order to be part of the Hollywood crowd . Came up with this statement on the View this week.

“GOLDBERG: But here is my question. So, we have seen over the last couple of years boneheads in all organizations. We've seen them on Wall Street, we've seen them in the banking system, we've seen them in Washington, we've seen them all over. Do we dismantle the Senate and the Congress and all of Wall Street and all of these places because there's boneheads -- you know what I want to say really badly but I can't -- in all of these places. So here's my question: who suffers when ACORN disappears? “

My friends here is the problem; it is not in their DNA. Goldberg and her kind will never get it. During the Michael Vick thing Goldberg made excuses for his behavior by saying it is part of his culture as he is from the South. Convoluted logic comes to mind.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The group Thursday night

This is a short clip of those in attendance on Thursday evening. We had a good meeting. The talk went from The recent story about how poorly the students of Oklahoma did on the ten questions asked by the immigration dept of new citizens. The results were dismal with only 3% of high school students able to pass with 6 or more correct answers. We then went on to discuss the add concept and the column by Joanne and some ideas on both. We have appointed a new treasurer LOL or she volunteered not sure how that worked. Christi is a good sport and a dedicated member.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obama headed for "lame duck" & one term

See the below story from Politico:

Chances are we will have to slog through the next 3 years, especially after the 2010
elections. That means we can expect continued gridlock in Washington and not
much to cheer about from the economy or world security situation either.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A new view of the 912 rally

MUST SEE click here

Service Employees International Union

I just watched the Fox Report on SEIU or Service Employee International Union. This is the clear reason that Obama is trying to ram the Health care down our throats. What should jump out about this organization is the "INTERNATIONAL" that is why they are pushing so hard . " The One World Government" loss of our freedoms. America will cease to exist if this administration succeeds in this agenda. This is not about Republican and Democrat it is about Socialism and Freedom . The Unions have already depressed the Auto industry to the level we see now in this country. That is why The Japanese sold more cars then American cars in our own country. Cash For Clunkers. I will fight to save my Nation I am angry that we as a Nation have allowed the country to get to this level.

Unions had a humanitarian and worthy origin but after it was taken over by corruption and cronyism
They then like all good things turned into a parasite with the power to wield success or failure for business they become the new silent but not so silent partners.
The country is riddled with the fraud and corruption that was just reconfirmed by the witness in Chicagoland politics who was found silenced. BY “ASPERINE” That is a new one for the books . Have you all forgotten about all those accidents that occurred during the Clinton Administration of anyone who dared threaten the Clintons . What we should be screaming is not stop taxing or keep your hands off my Health care … But if you are shown to be crooked we will vote your ass out of office and you could not be a dog catcher after you get out of Prison…. It is time to take our country back

The left media is minimizing the 912 protest

One always has to look at both sides on an issue. The set of photo's above were put out by Washington Post ( Very Liberal ) also it was buried way back in the Sunday paper not front page.

A few observations about this photo report by Washington Post.
They always make the shots look far away and with only a few people at a time . Not a very accurate depiction of the event. The other technique used was to make the subjects look small and little this was done by photographing from above. They also looked for those who were not typical of the average protester but some fringe who would cast an impression that we are all like this .

Saturday, September 12, 2009

9/12 Washington events

Washington Camera live shots of the 9/12 events CLICK HERE

Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm Here

Well, friend, here I am. I think on the TPN Cookeville new and outstanding Blog. Thank you, Bombdog, for your efforts here. And its off into Cyber Space with us, fellow adventurer! Heh.

